5 reasons for skipping Nandpur Fort when you visit Kangra, Himachal Pradesh || Lessons we learnt the hard way

Last year in October, when we visited Kangra, we searched for places to see on our way to Pong Dam and we saw a tourist place that was called the Nandpur fort. So we decided to put on our travelers' shoes and take a detour to this place as well.

Last year in October, when we visited Kangra, we searched for places to see on our way to Pong Dam and we saw a tourist place that was called the Nandpur fort. So we decided to put on our travelers' shoes and take a detour to this place as well. 

Reason 1: The first thing that we discovered was that the road to Nandpur wasn't all that great. Once you leave the highway, you need to drive through a stream (which I admit wasn't all that bad; in fact, it was a bit of fun) and drive on katcha roads. And you are not even on the local road that leads to the fort yet.

Reason 1: The first thing that we discovered was that the road to Nandpur wasn't all that great. Once you leave the highway, you need to drive through a stream (which I admit wasn't all that bad; in fact, it was a bit of fun) and drive on katcha roads. And you are not even on the local road that leads to the fort yet. 

The google map wasn't too accurate as well (though we can't say it is completely reliable in the cities as well) and at multiple points we had to stop and ask local shopkeepers. They were quite helpful though and guided us well.   Actually all this would still have been okay and we normally try to enjoy the journey too, but there were several other reasons and may be by the end of this article, you will see what we mean.

The google map wasn't too accurate as well (though we can't say it is completely reliable in the cities as well) and at multiple points we had to stop and ask local shopkeepers. They were quite helpful though and guided us well. 

Actually all this would still have been okay and we normally try to enjoy the journey too, but there were several other reasons and may be by the end of this article, you will see what we mean.  

Reason 2: The local road leading up to the fort has thorny bushes on both the sides and if you are driving up, you will most likely end up damaging your car at least a bit. One thing, the road is narrow, only wide enough for one car to pass through. Besides the thorny bushes that I mentioned earlier, sometimes steps leading to people's houses too can tend to be dangerous for your car.

Reason 2: The local road leading up to the fort has thorny bushes on both the sides and if you are driving up, you will most likely end up damaging your car at least a bit. One thing, the road is narrow, only wide enough for one car to pass through. Besides the thorny bushes that I mentioned earlier, sometimes steps leading to people's houses too can tend to be dangerous for your car. 

Moreover the road is curvy and because it is narrow, you may find your car stuck as we did. Someone had built two steps right on the road and we didn't realize when our car's footboard got stuck on it. At the end of this turmoil, we managed to pull free but not without damaging the footboard completely. We had to get it removed. So even if you decide to go up there, make sure you drive very very carefully.

Moreover the road is curvy and because it is narrow, you may find your car stuck as we did. Someone had built two steps right on the road and we didn't realize when our car's footboard got stuck on it. At the end of this turmoil, we managed to pull free but not without damaging the footboard completely. We had to get it removed. So even if you decide to go up there, make sure you drive very very carefully.

Even with this narrow road, we found that the locals were very helpful. One small truck (just as wide as our car) offered to drive ahead of us so that we would not run into a logjam with another car coming in the opposite direction. When our car got stuck, the people who had built the steps on the road, helped us out of the situation, all the while asking us how we could have missed seeing the steps.

Even with this narrow road, we found that the locals were very helpful. One small truck (just as wide as our car) offered to drive ahead of us so that we would not run into a logjam with another car coming in the opposite direction. When our car got stuck, the people who had built the steps on the road, helped us out of the situation, all the while asking us how we could have missed seeing the steps. 

Reason 3: The fort, you will find, isn't a fort at all. It is actually someone's private property which is currently under renovation. There is one caretaker around who will ask you questions such as how did you find out about the place, where are you from etc. But besides that, there's really not much to it. If the approach to the fort wasn't so difficult, we would still have recommended that you can stop for a glance, but with the difficult and suffocating drive, we feel it isn't really worth it.

Reason 3: The fort, you will find, isn't a fort at all. It is actually someone's private property which is currently under renovation. There is one caretaker around who will ask you questions such as how did you find out about the place, where are you from etc. But besides that, there's really not much to it. If the approach to the fort wasn't so difficult, we would still have recommended that you can stop for a glance, but with the difficult and suffocating drive, we feel it isn't really worth it. 

Recently we heard a workshop on Fresco paintings had been organized there by Mr Raghav Guleria, who is the owner of this fort, but usually there's no one here. If you really do want to visit the place, you may want to check out if there's some event on at that time. May be then it would be worth visiting.

Recently we heard a workshop on Fresco paintings had been organized there by Mr Raghav Guleria, who is the owner of this fort, but usually there's no one here. If you really do want to visit the place, you may want to check out if there's some event on at that time. May be then it would be worth visiting. 

Reason 4: Besides the "fort", there's nothing else here to see. So what you are driving all this way for, isn't really a fort. It will fall short on your expectations, and, moreover, there's nothing else around to make up for it. When we visited, the caretaker appeared to be working on a garden of sorts. Not sure what the progress is on that, but there seemed to be some flowering plants around.

Reason 4: Besides the "fort", there's nothing else here to see. So what you are driving all this way for, isn't really a fort. It will fall short on your expectations, and, moreover, there's nothing else around to make up for it. When we visited, the caretaker appeared to be working on a garden of sorts. Not sure what the progress is on that, but there seemed to be some flowering plants around. 

There was one set of garden table and chairs, but there wasn't really anything else you could do. The fort looks good in pictures, but when we visited, one couldn't go in and the interiors of the property were in dire need of cleaning.

There was one set of garden table and chairs, but there wasn't really anything else you could do. The fort looks good in pictures, but when we visited, one couldn't go in and the interiors of the property were in dire need of cleaning. 

Reason 5: The "fort" has an abandoned and desolate vibe to it that can pull you down, especially after all the hard work you put in to get here. May be once the garden is in place, this will change. May be if Mr Guleria decides to get the property cleaned, restored, and may be prepared for some hospitality. Tea/coffee, and may be even a night stay, then things could get more exciting and rewarding.

Reason 5: The "fort" has an abandoned and desolate vibe to it that can pull you down, especially after all the hard work you put in to get here. May be once the garden is in place, this will change. May be if Mr Guleria decides to get the property cleaned, restored, and may be prepared for some hospitality. Tea/coffee, and may be even a night stay, then things could get more exciting and rewarding.


Overall, we feel that the place has great potential, but a lot of work might be required to make it worth the effort that one would need to put in to visit it. We have given five reasons to not visit the place. However, there can still be two reasons to visit it - curiosity and adventure, and a hope that may be some work has been done on the fort by now.

Overall, we feel that the place has great potential, but a lot of work might be required to make it worth the effort that one would need to put in to visit it. We have given five reasons to not visit the place. However, there can still be two reasons to visit it - curiosity and adventure, and a hope that may be some work has been done on the fort by now. 


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