Photo-Walk with Adobe friends in Delhi Zoo

I am sure that many of you must have guessed by now that I am not shooting new photographs these days and just trying to share something from past, which may still look fresh :). Anyways, while looking at Zoo photographs I thought of sharing some of the photographs from our Photo-Walks when we were learning Photography at Adobe. And you have read it right - I have learned Photography in my office. This Photo Journey shares some photographs and these are approximately 6 years old photographs. 

Photoshop Elements Team with DSLRs having fancy lenses. Everyone practicing on zoom lenses and trying to capture some good compositions. During this time, we used to plan different weekend field-trips and somehow Zoo was one of the main places everyone used to prefer :). At times we planned Zoo in sub-groups and had lot of fun. We had 3 mandatory field-trips during the Photography Course and one of the place was Delhi Zoo and the other two were - Jama Masjid & Qutub Minar.

During the course, I was huge fan of compositions by Vibha and Vaishali. Akshaya has been one of those people who have been very steady with their photography and is consistently improving. 

Field-trips or Photo-Walks are great way of learning when you are learning Photography. But there are some rules of doing such Photo-Walks. Group should be clear that why they are doing a Photo-Walk and what all they want to learn. Pre Photo-Walks meeting and Post Photo-Walk presentations add more value to such exercises. It's very interesting to see drastically different images created by different folks, even when all of us clicked photographs from same place(s) and at same time.  

Ankur and Saurabh used to surprise us with some of the best thematic shots done in the streets.

Some of us were champions in compositions, few had great sense of colors & textures, others were great in creating photographs around specific themes and most of us were excellent in Post-Processing. It was also a time when each one of us were inspiration for others and we also had conflicts, which helped us improving further.  

Apart from Photography, these walks were great opportunities for the team to meet outside the office campus and explore special food in Delhi streets. Few of us used to bring breakfast during early morning Photo-Walks. Smriti was the one who started this trend :) 

It's really great to recall those memories and see where we all are, compared to where we started. 


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