How to design a twitter background with your own images (Using Adobe Photoshop Elements)

Well, creating your own twitter background and getting the feel that it's "your own world" whenever you log in to your account, is just a matter of spending few minutes in Photoshop Elements. So, let's get started-

Start with a screenshot of the default twitter background

  • Login to your twitter account in your favorite browser and press the PrtSc key.
  • Now launch Photoshop Elements (Editor) and press the key combination Ctrl+N.
    This will create a new file with appropriate dimensions, just click OK on the dialog that pops.
  • Now press Ctrl+V or go to Edit>Paste
  •   This will paste a screenshot of the top of your twitter account home page onto the file.
  • Crop away the top and bottom bars from the image.

  • Now select the feeds area through rectangular marquee tool, right click and select "Layer via Copy". 

  • Do the same for the label having the text Home, Profile etc and also for the text "twitter"
  • Once this has been done, make those three layers invisible and select the Layer1.
  • Now, all that we have to do is create the background the way we want.
  • Open the images you want to use for your twitter background.
  • I decided to use one latge and several small images.
  • File>Open and select the images that you want to open.
  • I dragged the largest image thumbnail to the twitter background document and it was placed on a separate layer.

  • Next I transformed the image (hit Ctrl+T) while holding the shift ket so that the aspect ratio remained intact and placed my image where I liked it the best.

  • Next I made all the layers containing the twitter feeds etc so that I get a feel of what part of the image will be visible finally.
  • I made the layer containing the twitter screenshot invisible.
  • Selected the background layer and then selected the gradient tool.
  • Now I needed an appropriate gradient, I decided to create one.
  • For this, click on the gradient presets in the options bar which will launch the gradient editor.

    • Click on the lower left color picker in gradient type preview, this will launch the color picker and let you select a color.
    • I selected the dominant color in the image I had used.
    • On the right hand side color picker I selected white.
    • Once the gradient was created, I dragged it on the background layer from the left edge of the backgrond layer to the image edge.
    • Next I drag the other images and transform them to appropriate sizes and orienatations.
    • Once this was done I applied drop shadow to all those smaller thumbnails through Layer>Layer Style>Style Settings, check the drop shadows check box and apply the following settings-Size=43, Distance=12, Opacity=84 and clcik OK.
    • Once you have done this with one layer, right click on it's layer in the layers palette and select Copy Layer Styles.
    • Then go to the other Layers. right click and select Copy Layer Styles.

      And there you have it-your very own twitter background. Now all you have to do is save it as a jpeg and upload it to your twitter accoubt foe which-
      • Log into your twitter account and go to Settings.
      • Go to the Design tab and select "Change Background Image".
      • Select Chose File, go to your file location and select the file


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