It was a bright sunny morning simla had received fresh snow fall. As every year I had a plan to ride on it. This was my KTM’s first intro with snow. I started from palampur my home town to simla to have the white ride reached simla around evening.

We started around 10 am as before that wont have been possible before that because of crisp black ice. We were all packed in warm clothes to fight the all odd’s. Started from simla city reached charabra market (a place near kufri) from where the road diverts to the Kalyani Helipad. We had a heavy brunch here & kept all knick knacks for the ride ahead. The road till this marked was fine because the CPWD had made it through for the Army movements to Kinnaur valley by pushing the snow sidewards with the help of snow cutters.

Next morning we started early I asked two more friend’s to accompany us Shrey Banta with his 4X4 Gypsy joined us for the backup. Satvik also came in for help. We were four in no. today. We took all the safety harness which was required to make it to the top today finally. We parked the gypsy at charabra market and walked through with the ropes. Spotted the bike after 12 hours she was intact and covered with fresh snow. Believe me she was looking beautiful. We reached the bike and made the final arrangement to move further. A rope was tied to the frond shocker and was pulled by three of them ahead and I was over the saddle accelerating her. After all the push and pull we made it to the top. We all spent some time there. We decided to roll back.

And got to know my bike better in more adverse conditions.
