For several months now, I have been looking for something that would distract me from the infinite loops running in my mind. And till very recently, I had been unsuccessful. even my childhood hobby - writing - didn't help. In fact it made things worse. I have always wanted to buy a piano, and the only thing stopping me so far was the feeling that I wouldn't use it, or that I would lose interest. However, I bit the bullet and bought a Casio keyboard a couple of months ago. Since then, the loop still runs in my mind, but I do not obsess about it any more. I try to play for an hour or two every day, and try to lose myself to music. I am not good at it or anything, but I like trying to better myself at it. And it does help. Trust me.
This picture was clicked on the Fishermen's Beach in Goa. This is different from all other beaches in Goa; you see a lot of fishing action here. You see boats sailing out, you see them coming back with their catch. You see the women sorting the fish and you see the net being brought in. It is an experience in itself. And boats on a beach always make for a good photograph. And they also make for a good setting for this classic by SD Burman " O re manjhi".
My favorite lines from the song:
मत खेल जल जाएगी, कहती है आग मेरे मन की
मत खेल...
मत खेल जल जाएगी, कहती है आग मेरे मन की
मैं बंदिनी पिया की मैं संगिनी हूँ साजन की
मेरा खींचती है आँचल...
मेरा खींचती है आँचल मन मीत तेरी हर पुकार
This picture was clicked by VJ in Santa Cruz. This elderly gentleman, sitting here all alone, enjoying his solo time - there's no good reason for this, but it reminds me of a rather beautiful song from the movie "Aandhi". The song has a sense of regret for lost times, a longing to be with the one you loved once. I don't mean to project this meaning to this photograph. But just enjoy the song...
My favorite lines from the song:
तुम जो कह दो तो आजकी रात, चांद डूबेगा नहीं,
रात को रोक लो
रात कि बात है, और ज़िंदगी बाकी तो नहीं
तेरे बिना ज़िंदगी से कोई, शिकवा, तो नहीं, शिकवा नहीं
तेरे बिना ज़िंदगी भी लेकिन, ज़िंदगी, तो नहीं,
ज़िंदगी नहीं
This photo was clicked in Darjeeling a couple of years back. The couple in the photograph look so much at ease here in this setting and there is a lot of warmth about them. They were talking and looking on into the valley beneath. It was a perfect moment. And reminds me of this beautiful song from the movie Dil Chahta Hai - "Kaisi hai yeh rut ki jismein...".
My favorite lines from the song:
कैसे, किसी को बतायें,
कैसे ये समझायें, क्या प्यार है
इसमें, बंधन नहीं है,
और ना कोई भी, दीवार है
सुनो प्यार की निराली है दास्ताँ
कैसी है ये रुत कि जिसमें फूल बनके दिल खिले
घुल रहे हैं रंग सारे, घुल रही हैं खुशबुएँ
चाँदनी, झरने, घटायें, गीत, बारिश, तितलियाँ
हम पे हो गये हैं सब मेहरबां
कैसी है ये रुत कि जिसमें फूल बनके दिल खिले
True that Music is the perfect companion for Travel. In these Covid-19, while we miss travel, at least music is there to keep us company.