Crafting Art Through Pixels: Elevate Your Photography with VJ's Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Workshops

For more than a decade, VJ has been at the forefront of empowering photographers through his immersive Lightroom workshops. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for cultivating creativity, VJ has become synonymous with transforming ordinary snapshots into extraordinary visual narratives. From bustling streets to serene landscapes, his guidance has helped countless individuals master the art of visual storytelling.

For more than a decade, VJ has been at the forefront of empowering photographers through his immersive Lightroom workshops. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for cultivating creativity, VJ has become synonymous with transforming ordinary snapshots into extraordinary visual narratives. From bustling streets to serene landscapes, his guidance has helped countless individuals master the art of visual storytelling.

After a long time, I planned to do another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with Delhi Photography Club in Shahpur Jat, Delhi. Founder of DPC, Mr Virendra Singh Shekhawat connected with me & encouraged me to plan one in Delhi again. I couldn't plan it in Jan, because of various commitments in office and at home. Finally we did one this weekend. Delhi Photography Club has this brilliant office in Shahpur Jat and place is created very thoughtfully by Virendra and Team. Taking a Lightroom workshop at such place was definitely a very good break from routine life and all these workshops offer to lot of learnings. Yes, you read it right - I learn a lot while teaching Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to like minded Photographers. I really enjoy these workshops and during this 2 days workshop, I didn't even take any break. I realized it laters :). And I would want to add that participants of this workshop were awesome. Some of the folks were already using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for editing their photographers and few of them had used Photoshop. But majority of them were not using any software to organize or edit the photographs. Apart from Photoshop, Picasa is one of the most popular software amongst the participants and I wonder why? Picasa is definitely not for this set of photographers. It was quite an interactive workshop wherein participants asked lot of questions and I could address most of them. Although there were few questions which were not answered completely at the end, due to lack of time. During 2 days, we majorly talked about Library and Develop modules - essentially the ways of managing photographs and different editing controls. Folks from different walks of life joined this workshop. For most of them Photography is not a medium of earning their bread and butter, but it's a serious hobby. There were few, who are doing photography professionally. Most of the folks were carrying their laptops and hence, there were lot of questions after trying things we discussed in the workshop. Some of the questions were relevant to all while few of them were not. Most of these were taken up  between the session and few of them were addressed separately with individuals. This group was pretty fast in picking up things and hence we could cover a bit more than usually we do in this 2 days workshop. During this workshop, we talked about Catalogs, Collections, import, managing metadata, watermarking, smart collections, keyword tags, search capabilities on the basis of inbuilt/IPTC metadata, presets for metadata & editing, snapshots, history, smart previews, editing controls like - Exposure, Contrast, Highlight, Shadows, white, blacks, clarity, vibrance, saturation, HSL, Black & White processing, Lens correction, handling luminance and color noise, reducing chromatic aberration, vignetting, Spot healing, cropping, straightening, graduated filter and lot more.Things like importance of Raw files and Histogram was also discussed. Basics of color profiles & file formats to be used in Export were also discussed. Backing up images and Lightroom catalogs was one of the important aspects.  There were few discussions about importance of single vs multiple catalogs. The ways to import from one catalog to another was a primary question when everyone realized that single catalog is brilliant way to manage all the photographs. Although some of them wanted to try different catalogs for different genres of photography.Check out the vibrant walls of Delhi Photography Club. I am in love with this place after this workshop and hope to visit them frequently during weekends and probably their Photo-walks as well.A day very well spent with Indian Lightroomers !

Understanding a tool thoroughly is essential for maximizing its potential and optimizing its use for specific use cases. In the context of software applications like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, delving deeper into its functionalities empowers users to uncover hidden features and advanced techniques that can significantly enhance their workflow and creative output. By exploring the intricacies of the tool, users can discover innovative ways to streamline their editing process, improve efficiency, and achieve a more refined and polished final product. Moreover, a comprehensive understanding of the tool allows users to adapt it to their specific needs and creative vision, enabling them to express their unique style and artistic identity with greater precision and clarity. Through continuous learning and exploration, users can unlock the full capabilities of the tool and transform their creative aspirations into tangible, visually stunning realities.

Teaching/Coaching is a great way to learn and that's why I have been doing Post-Processing workshops for a long time now. There has been an year that I had stopped doing these meet-ups or workshops, but now again finding time during the weekends to conduct these 1:1s or group workshops. Every time I meet a Pro Photographer, I learn a lot about the real Photography workflows which helps me understand the overall Photo management and editing needs in Indian market. All this is an incremental process. I learn from these Photographers, include these inputs in my 2 days workshops and hence every new workshop is improved and better. I would not shy away from accepting that many times, I come across situations where Photographers ask questions which sound unfamiliar, but with genuine efforts I realize the real connection between these softwares and the practical needs. Recently I met a Fine Art Photographer in GK1, who had attended my workshop 3 years back at APEX Photography Academy. Now she had moved from Lightroom3 to Lightroom5, which added hell lot of confusion for her in Photo-management. So this weekend, we discussed Library module of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom in detail. This was first time, I got exposed to the fact that how this upgrade thing can be confusing for Photographers. Going forward I am going to add it to my module and would surely discuss upgrade aspect in workshops and 1:1s. There were lot of questions which I tried to answer and will post these answers in details for benefit of other Indian Lightroomers. So watch this space for more on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

Personalised 1:1 Sessions: Breaking Boundaries

While based in Delhi/NCR, VJ's impact extends far beyond geographical constraints. Through personalized 1:1 sessions, VJ has nurtured talents across the country, transcending physical limitations through the magic of virtual connectivity. Thanks to the seamless integration of Zoom, individuals from various corners of the globe have benefited from his insightful guidance, marking a paradigm shift in the way photography education is perceived.

The first session was introducing Kids to style of these sessions. We started with simple idea of clicking great portraits of family members, so after we will keep this goal in mind every week and by end of 5 weeks, we should have some awesome portraits of family members as Kids can't go out to shoot outdoors and what can be better than clicking photographs of your loved ones.

Empowering the Next Generation: A Commitment to Community

VJ's commitment to nurturing young talent is evident through his engagement with school kids and community groups across the nation. Through engaging and interactive workshops, he has instilled a sense of artistic appreciation and technical expertise in budding photographers, paving the way for a generation of visual storytellers equipped with the tools to express their unique perspectives.

This weekend started well with another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. It was my second workshop with DPC and thoroughly enjoyed varied conversations with creative Photographers from different walks of life. This time, it was a one day workshop where all the participants learned the basics of managing photographs and editing.Workshop started at 11am and we started with quick round of introduction, where everyone shared about type of photography they do, their expectations from this workshop, if they used any software in past for editing photographs and other relevant details. I was super excited to see diverse set of Photographers in terms of professions, genre, age, experience etc.The session started with basic understanding of popular Photo management and editing softwares in market, their pros & cons. It's extremely important to understand the goal of each software and which one works best for you. More than that it's important to know how people use these softwares in their workflows and which combination works best for you.Then Gradually moved to introduction of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, it's workspace, different between JPEG & RAW, Why RAW came into existence, a typical workflow of a photographer at broad level and mapping that with Lightroom. I always find this as a good starting point. Although many of the folks know some basics around these topics, but it's good to share again. Many times this leads to interesting and useful discussions.We proceeded with initial steps of Photographer workflow and understood the importance of metadata & how to manage that in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.At around 2:10pm, we took our lunch break. Virendra had arranged nice lunch for us. I guess, no one could finish one thali :). Lunch-time was very well used to discuss other aspects of life, photography and office :)Usually idea of this workshop is to introduce photographers to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom & share about it's power of organizing/managing your photographs and editing them. This workshop enabled photographers to start following the right workflow of managing, editing, sharing, Printing & publishing the photographs. Lightroom is comparatively easier software to understand and follow and that's why it's so popular amongst Photography communities now.  Before starting editing in Develop module of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, we  discussed about Histogram, how it can be used for editing. Apart from that we also discussed about choosing appropriate files for editing when you have multiple options. Apart from learning the tools, it's more important to know the right usage of these tools and how to avoid over-editing. Also the combinations of editing tools. We did some editing exercises, wherein we tried to visualize the end result and then thought of tools which could help us achieving those results. This was one of the most interesting parts of the workshop.Almost everyone was carrying a laptop to try out things being discussed in the workshop. A saturday well spent with fellow Lightroom and hope that everyone makes best use of this tool.Join community of Indian Lightroomers on facebook - The Indian Lightroomers

Unravel the Potential of Lightroom: 

Whether you're a budding enthusiast seeking to unravel the complexities of Lightroom or a seasoned professional looking to refine your craft, VJ's workshops provide an unparalleled platform for growth and exploration. Through a blend of technical expertise, creative insight, and a deep understanding of the intricacies of Lightroom, VJ empowers individuals to harness the full potential of their creativity.

A wonderful day with PHOTO JOURNEY friends in Noida to learn Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Experience the Magic: 

Don't miss out on the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey with VJ. Sign up for our upcoming workshops and unlock the secrets to mastering Lightroom, allowing your creativity to soar to new heights. Join us and become a part of the ever-growing community of visual storytellers revolutionizing the art of photography.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is becoming more popular among Indian Photographers and most of the passionate Photographers want to leverage the power to this wonderful software by Adobe, instead of handing their creative shots to a professional editor to process. We recently concluded a two Workshop at APEX, Delhi and this Photo Journey tries to show the flow of Digital Information in a very interesting environment...This was third Workshop with APEX and this one had maximum participation... We had few more interested people but there was an upper bar, so need to plan another one soon. The first workshop at APEX happened in April 2011 and that one was most interactive one.Diversified Photo Enthusiasts participated in this workshop - School kids, serious Amateur photographers, new Pro-photographers and some of the popular Indian Photographers, who have already been into Lightroom processing. Apart from photographers, there were some folks from journalism & Art-gallery expertsThis was a hands on workshop focusing on two most important modules of Lightroom - LIBRARY & DEVELOP ! But we almost discussed most of the rooms in Lightroom. At times, we also jumped into Color-Management, which is one of the vast area to understand.I have been involved in many other workshops in Delhi, but this one was very well organized by new team of APEX- Delhi (Academy of Photography Excellence). Each participant in the workshop was very passionate about photography and interested in adding organizing & processing skills. Check out expressions of three of the participants above Most of the folks had come with their Laptops. Some of the folks were already using Lightroom 3 and few of them had moved to 4th version. During the workshop we mainly talked about common functionality and dicussed new things of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom4, including Process Version, Book Module & Map ModuleProcess Version 2012 was discussed in details and how it can add more value to a Photographer's workflow. Most of the photographs shared in this Photo Journey are clicked by Aditya Srya and Dinesh Khanna. So credits go to both of them !!This workshop happened in a basement gallery at Academy of Photography Excellence, Vasant Vihar, Delhi !One of the sincere participants, who had lot of inetersting questions during this two days workshop on Lightroom. Great to meet people with different thoughts and who dabble in different styles of photography.Presence of Professional Photographers made many discussions more interesting. As they deal with different types of workflows as compared to Amateurs. Some of them were more into Printing, so wanted to know more in terms of Color Management and Profiles.During the workshop I realized that most of the folks were using Lightroom only for processing their photographs and this was first time, they thought of Organizing/Managing their Photo-shoots through this magical software which provides integral behavior of organizing & processing in same workspace. At the same time, few of them were attending to know more about the organizing capabilities of this software, as they were already using it for organizing the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.During the workshop there were some interesting discussions around Digital Photography in general and it was great to hear Professional Photographers to talk about it. Because they are the one who have spent many years on films and then moved to Digital world of Imaging. It was to great to hear their thoughts on power of Digital Imaging with unparalleled complexities involvedDinesh Khanna is an active user of Adobe Lightroom and he added lot of interesting things about Lightroom during these days. He is quite comfortable with keyboard shortcuts in Lightroom and spent some time explaining easy-to-remember keyword shortcuts of Adobe Photoshop Lightroomgeneral chit-chat during breaks @ APEX, Vasant Vihar, DelhiIn the same hall, an exhibition was going on by Ashish Chawla. Although some of his work was yet to be placed on other walls. Ashish was also there to attend the workshop with his designer.Some of the folks were more interested in archiving, so we had detailed discussion around Catalogs, their capabilities & max limits. Interestingly there were folks who were having 1,18,000 + files in one catalog. Interesting to know such Photographers, who are utilizing Lightroom at it's best It was great to hear Aditya Arya and Dinesh Khanna during various topics we discussed about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Some thoughtful views around old ways of Dark-room processing and new era of Digital processing in softwares like Lightroom, Photoshop, Aperture etc. It was great to see lot of energy and passion about Photography in these two days !!!Looking forward to more such interactions at APEX, in form of group workshops & 1:1 sessions, which we are planning in near future.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a powerful and versatile software application designed for photographers and image editing enthusiasts. It serves as an all-inclusive solution for managing, editing, and showcasing a vast array of photographs. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of tools tailored to the needs of photographers, Lightroom has become an indispensable asset in the workflow of many professionals and amateurs alike.

Key Features and Functionality:

Organizational Excellence: Lightroom allows users to efficiently organize their photo collections, creating a systematic and easily accessible database of images. Through the use of catalogs, keywords, ratings, and other organizational tools, users can streamline their workflow and quickly locate specific images as needed.

This weekend started well with another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. It was my second workshop with DPC and thoroughly enjoyed varied conversations with creative Photographers from different walks of life. This time, it was a one day workshop where all the participants learned the basics of managing photographs and editing.Workshop started at 11am and we started with quick round of introduction, where everyone shared about type of photography they do, their expectations from this workshop, if they used any software in past for editing photographs and other relevant details. I was super excited to see diverse set of Photographers in terms of professions, genre, age, experience etc.The session started with basic understanding of popular Photo management and editing softwares in market, their pros & cons. It's extremely important to understand the goal of each software and which one works best for you. More than that it's important to know how people use these softwares in their workflows and which combination works best for you.Then Gradually moved to introduction of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, it's workspace, different between JPEG & RAW, Why RAW came into existence, a typical workflow of a photographer at broad level and mapping that with Lightroom. I always find this as a good starting point. Although many of the folks know some basics around these topics, but it's good to share again. Many times this leads to interesting and useful discussions.We proceeded with initial steps of Photographer workflow and understood the importance of metadata & how to manage that in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.At around 2:10pm, we took our lunch break. Virendra had arranged nice lunch for us. I guess, no one could finish one thali :). Lunch-time was very well used to discuss other aspects of life, photography and office :)Usually idea of this workshop is to introduce photographers to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom & share about it's power of organizing/managing your photographs and editing them. This workshop enabled photographers to start following the right workflow of managing, editing, sharing, Printing & publishing the photographs. Lightroom is comparatively easier software to understand and follow and that's why it's so popular amongst Photography communities now.  Before starting editing in Develop module of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, we  discussed about Histogram, how it can be used for editing. Apart from that we also discussed about choosing appropriate files for editing when you have multiple options. Apart from learning the tools, it's more important to know the right usage of these tools and how to avoid over-editing. Also the combinations of editing tools. We did some editing exercises, wherein we tried to visualize the end result and then thought of tools which could help us achieving those results. This was one of the most interesting parts of the workshop.Almost everyone was carrying a laptop to try out things being discussed in the workshop. A saturday well spent with fellow Lightroom and hope that everyone makes best use of this tool.Join community of Indian Lightroomers on facebook - The Indian Lightroomers

Non-Destructive Editing: One of the most significant advantages of Lightroom is its non-destructive editing capabilities. This means that any changes made to an image within the software can be reversed or modified at any point, ensuring that the original image remains intact. This feature provides users with the freedom to experiment with various editing techniques without the fear of permanently altering the original file.

This weekend started well with another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. It was my second workshop with DPC and thoroughly enjoyed varied conversations with creative Photographers from different walks of life. This time, it was a one day workshop where all the participants learned the basics of managing photographs and editing.Workshop started at 11am and we started with quick round of introduction, where everyone shared about type of photography they do, their expectations from this workshop, if they used any software in past for editing photographs and other relevant details. I was super excited to see diverse set of Photographers in terms of professions, genre, age, experience etc.The session started with basic understanding of popular Photo management and editing softwares in market, their pros & cons. It's extremely important to understand the goal of each software and which one works best for you. More than that it's important to know how people use these softwares in their workflows and which combination works best for you.Then Gradually moved to introduction of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, it's workspace, different between JPEG & RAW, Why RAW came into existence, a typical workflow of a photographer at broad level and mapping that with Lightroom. I always find this as a good starting point. Although many of the folks know some basics around these topics, but it's good to share again. Many times this leads to interesting and useful discussions.We proceeded with initial steps of Photographer workflow and understood the importance of metadata & how to manage that in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.At around 2:10pm, we took our lunch break. Virendra had arranged nice lunch for us. I guess, no one could finish one thali :). Lunch-time was very well used to discuss other aspects of life, photography and office :)Usually idea of this workshop is to introduce photographers to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom & share about it's power of organizing/managing your photographs and editing them. This workshop enabled photographers to start following the right workflow of managing, editing, sharing, Printing & publishing the photographs. Lightroom is comparatively easier software to understand and follow and that's why it's so popular amongst Photography communities now.  Before starting editing in Develop module of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, we  discussed about Histogram, how it can be used for editing. Apart from that we also discussed about choosing appropriate files for editing when you have multiple options. Apart from learning the tools, it's more important to know the right usage of these tools and how to avoid over-editing. Also the combinations of editing tools. We did some editing exercises, wherein we tried to visualize the end result and then thought of tools which could help us achieving those results. This was one of the most interesting parts of the workshop.Almost everyone was carrying a laptop to try out things being discussed in the workshop. A saturday well spent with fellow Lightroom and hope that everyone makes best use of this tool.Join community of Indian Lightroomers on facebook - The Indian Lightroomers

Image Processing and Enhancement: Lightroom offers a comprehensive set of tools for image processing and enhancement, including exposure adjustment, color correction, noise reduction, and lens correction, among others. These tools allow photographers to fine-tune their images and bring out the best in their photographs, resulting in stunning visual representations of their artistic vision.

After a long time, I planned to do another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with Delhi Photography Club in Shahpur Jat, Delhi. Founder of DPC, Mr Virendra Singh Shekhawat connected with me & encouraged me to plan one in Delhi again. I couldn't plan it in Jan, because of various commitments in office and at home. Finally we did one this weekend. Delhi Photography Club has this brilliant office in Shahpur Jat and place is created very thoughtfully by Virendra and Team. Taking a Lightroom workshop at such place was definitely a very good break from routine life and all these workshops offer to lot of learnings. Yes, you read it right - I learn a lot while teaching Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to like minded Photographers. I really enjoy these workshops and during this 2 days workshop, I didn't even take any break. I realized it laters :). And I would want to add that participants of this workshop were awesome. Some of the folks were already using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for editing their photographers and few of them had used Photoshop. But majority of them were not using any software to organize or edit the photographs. Apart from Photoshop, Picasa is one of the most popular software amongst the participants and I wonder why? Picasa is definitely not for this set of photographers. It was quite an interactive workshop wherein participants asked lot of questions and I could address most of them. Although there were few questions which were not answered completely at the end, due to lack of time. During 2 days, we majorly talked about Library and Develop modules - essentially the ways of managing photographs and different editing controls. Folks from different walks of life joined this workshop. For most of them Photography is not a medium of earning their bread and butter, but it's a serious hobby. There were few, who are doing photography professionally. Most of the folks were carrying their laptops and hence, there were lot of questions after trying things we discussed in the workshop. Some of the questions were relevant to all while few of them were not. Most of these were taken up  between the session and few of them were addressed separately with individuals. This group was pretty fast in picking up things and hence we could cover a bit more than usually we do in this 2 days workshop. During this workshop, we talked about Catalogs, Collections, import, managing metadata, watermarking, smart collections, keyword tags, search capabilities on the basis of inbuilt/IPTC metadata, presets for metadata & editing, snapshots, history, smart previews, editing controls like - Exposure, Contrast, Highlight, Shadows, white, blacks, clarity, vibrance, saturation, HSL, Black & White processing, Lens correction, handling luminance and color noise, reducing chromatic aberration, vignetting, Spot healing, cropping, straightening, graduated filter and lot more.Things like importance of Raw files and Histogram was also discussed. Basics of color profiles & file formats to be used in Export were also discussed. Backing up images and Lightroom catalogs was one of the important aspects.  There were few discussions about importance of single vs multiple catalogs. The ways to import from one catalog to another was a primary question when everyone realized that single catalog is brilliant way to manage all the photographs. Although some of them wanted to try different catalogs for different genres of photography.Check out the vibrant walls of Delhi Photography Club. I am in love with this place after this workshop and hope to visit them frequently during weekends and probably their Photo-walks as well.A day very well spent with Indian Lightroomers !

Integration with Adobe Creative Cloud: As part of the Adobe Creative Cloud ecosystem, Lightroom seamlessly integrates with other Adobe software, such as Photoshop, allowing for a smooth transition between different editing platforms. This integration provides users with a more comprehensive and cohesive editing experience, enabling them to leverage the full potential of their creative endeavors.

After a long time, I planned to do another workshop on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom with Delhi Photography Club in Shahpur Jat, Delhi. Founder of DPC, Mr Virendra Singh Shekhawat connected with me & encouraged me to plan one in Delhi again. I couldn't plan it in Jan, because of various commitments in office and at home. Finally we did one this weekend. Delhi Photography Club has this brilliant office in Shahpur Jat and place is created very thoughtfully by Virendra and Team. Taking a Lightroom workshop at such place was definitely a very good break from routine life and all these workshops offer to lot of learnings. Yes, you read it right - I learn a lot while teaching Adobe Photoshop Lightroom to like minded Photographers. I really enjoy these workshops and during this 2 days workshop, I didn't even take any break. I realized it laters :). And I would want to add that participants of this workshop were awesome. Some of the folks were already using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for editing their photographers and few of them had used Photoshop. But majority of them were not using any software to organize or edit the photographs. Apart from Photoshop, Picasa is one of the most popular software amongst the participants and I wonder why? Picasa is definitely not for this set of photographers. It was quite an interactive workshop wherein participants asked lot of questions and I could address most of them. Although there were few questions which were not answered completely at the end, due to lack of time. During 2 days, we majorly talked about Library and Develop modules - essentially the ways of managing photographs and different editing controls. Folks from different walks of life joined this workshop. For most of them Photography is not a medium of earning their bread and butter, but it's a serious hobby. There were few, who are doing photography professionally. Most of the folks were carrying their laptops and hence, there were lot of questions after trying things we discussed in the workshop. Some of the questions were relevant to all while few of them were not. Most of these were taken up  between the session and few of them were addressed separately with individuals. This group was pretty fast in picking up things and hence we could cover a bit more than usually we do in this 2 days workshop. During this workshop, we talked about Catalogs, Collections, import, managing metadata, watermarking, smart collections, keyword tags, search capabilities on the basis of inbuilt/IPTC metadata, presets for metadata & editing, snapshots, history, smart previews, editing controls like - Exposure, Contrast, Highlight, Shadows, white, blacks, clarity, vibrance, saturation, HSL, Black & White processing, Lens correction, handling luminance and color noise, reducing chromatic aberration, vignetting, Spot healing, cropping, straightening, graduated filter and lot more.Things like importance of Raw files and Histogram was also discussed. Basics of color profiles & file formats to be used in Export were also discussed. Backing up images and Lightroom catalogs was one of the important aspects.  There were few discussions about importance of single vs multiple catalogs. The ways to import from one catalog to another was a primary question when everyone realized that single catalog is brilliant way to manage all the photographs. Although some of them wanted to try different catalogs for different genres of photography.Check out the vibrant walls of Delhi Photography Club. I am in love with this place after this workshop and hope to visit them frequently during weekends and probably their Photo-walks as well.A day very well spent with Indian Lightroomers !

Cross-Platform Accessibility: Lightroom is available on various platforms, including desktop, mobile, and web, ensuring that users can access and edit their photo collections from anywhere at any time. This cross-platform accessibility facilitates a flexible and dynamic editing process, enabling users to stay connected to their work even while on the move.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is becoming more popular among Indian Photographers and most of the passionate Photographers want to leverage the power to this wonderful software by Adobe, instead of handing their creative shots to a professional editor to process. We recently concluded a two Workshop at APEX, Delhi and this Photo Journey tries to show the flow of Digital Information in a very interesting environment...This was third Workshop with APEX and this one had maximum participation... We had few more interested people but there was an upper bar, so need to plan another one soon. The first workshop at APEX happened in April 2011 and that one was most interactive one.Diversified Photo Enthusiasts participated in this workshop - School kids, serious Amateur photographers, new Pro-photographers and some of the popular Indian Photographers, who have already been into Lightroom processing. Apart from photographers, there were some folks from journalism & Art-gallery expertsThis was a hands on workshop focusing on two most important modules of Lightroom - LIBRARY & DEVELOP ! But we almost discussed most of the rooms in Lightroom. At times, we also jumped into Color-Management, which is one of the vast area to understand.I have been involved in many other workshops in Delhi, but this one was very well organized by new team of APEX- Delhi (Academy of Photography Excellence). Each participant in the workshop was very passionate about photography and interested in adding organizing & processing skills. Check out expressions of three of the participants above Most of the folks had come with their Laptops. Some of the folks were already using Lightroom 3 and few of them had moved to 4th version. During the workshop we mainly talked about common functionality and dicussed new things of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom4, including Process Version, Book Module & Map ModuleProcess Version 2012 was discussed in details and how it can add more value to a Photographer's workflow. Most of the photographs shared in this Photo Journey are clicked by Aditya Srya and Dinesh Khanna. So credits go to both of them !!This workshop happened in a basement gallery at Academy of Photography Excellence, Vasant Vihar, Delhi !One of the sincere participants, who had lot of inetersting questions during this two days workshop on Lightroom. Great to meet people with different thoughts and who dabble in different styles of photography.Presence of Professional Photographers made many discussions more interesting. As they deal with different types of workflows as compared to Amateurs. Some of them were more into Printing, so wanted to know more in terms of Color Management and Profiles.During the workshop I realized that most of the folks were using Lightroom only for processing their photographs and this was first time, they thought of Organizing/Managing their Photo-shoots through this magical software which provides integral behavior of organizing & processing in same workspace. At the same time, few of them were attending to know more about the organizing capabilities of this software, as they were already using it for organizing the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.During the workshop there were some interesting discussions around Digital Photography in general and it was great to hear Professional Photographers to talk about it. Because they are the one who have spent many years on films and then moved to Digital world of Imaging. It was to great to hear their thoughts on power of Digital Imaging with unparalleled complexities involvedDinesh Khanna is an active user of Adobe Lightroom and he added lot of interesting things about Lightroom during these days. He is quite comfortable with keyboard shortcuts in Lightroom and spent some time explaining easy-to-remember keyword shortcuts of Adobe Photoshop Lightroomgeneral chit-chat during breaks @ APEX, Vasant Vihar, DelhiIn the same hall, an exhibition was going on by Ashish Chawla. Although some of his work was yet to be placed on other walls. Ashish was also there to attend the workshop with his designer.Some of the folks were more interested in archiving, so we had detailed discussion around Catalogs, their capabilities & max limits. Interestingly there were folks who were having 1,18,000 + files in one catalog. Interesting to know such Photographers, who are utilizing Lightroom at it's best It was great to hear Aditya Arya and Dinesh Khanna during various topics we discussed about Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Some thoughtful views around old ways of Dark-room processing and new era of Digital processing in softwares like Lightroom, Photoshop, Aperture etc. It was great to see lot of energy and passion about Photography in these two days !!!Looking forward to more such interactions at APEX, in form of group workshops & 1:1 sessions, which we are planning in near future.

Continued Evolution and Innovation:

Adobe continues to enhance Lightroom through regular updates and new feature releases, ensuring that users have access to the latest tools and technologies in the field of digital image editing. As the demands of the photography industry evolve, Lightroom remains at the forefront, providing users with the resources they need to elevate their creative expression and achieve unparalleled visual excellence.


Shoba Jolly said…
Absolutely a must do workshop! Very generous with time to explain and clear doubts .A Lucid presentation of all the features of Lightroom

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