Top 10 things to do in a weekend around Kualalumpur, Capital of Malaysia

Many times when we write about our travel experiences on this blog, we realize that there are different kinds of audience who would like to go through detailed experiences vs some to the point blog-posts which talk about main places to visit & explore, things to do and food to try etc. Along with that, various modes of local commute and some travel hacks to keep the trip within budget as well as experiences which are worth spending more bucks. These posts are focussed on the second aspect and can be very helpful for folks planning  trip to a place. Like in this case, we will talk about main places to explore in Kuala Lumpur city of Malaysia, along with some travel hacks.

Many times when we write about our travel experiences on this blog, we realize that there are different kinds of audience who would like to go through detailed experiences vs some to the point blog-posts which talk about main places to visit & explore, things to do and food to try etc. Along with that, various modes of local commute and some travel hacks to keep the trip within budget as well as experiences which are worth spending more bucks. These posts are focussed on the second aspect and can be very helpful for folks planning  trip to a place. Like in this case, we will talk about main places to explore in Kuala Lumpur city of Malaysia, along with some travel hacks. 

1. Petronas Twin Tower    The very first thing which comes to our minds when it's about Malaysia is Petronas Twin Towers and one can't miss this place if in Kuala Lumpur. And in such lists of top 10 things to do, visit or experience, most of the times top 3-4 places are the ones which are known to the world and such places are associated with the city or country and can't be missed. Like Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower etc. Anyone can tell where these places are and can't be missed when you in that land.     Petronas Twin Towers look awesome in the evening when it's very well lit. I didn't have that option as I had to leave before these lights are switched on. But whenever you plan, try planning to visit Twin-towers in late evening. I am sure you must have seen those beautiful night photographs of Petronas Twin Towers on various other websites/blogs.     There is an interesting history behind how these towers evolved. Instead of translating everything here, I would encourage to check this link to know when the planning of the towers started, how it proceeded etc.

The very first thing which comes to our minds when it's about Malaysia is Petronas Twin Towers and one can't miss this place if in Kuala Lumpur. And in such lists of top 10 things to do, visit or experience, most of the times top 3-4 places are the ones which are known to the world and such places are associated with the city or country and can't be missed. Like Taj Mahal, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower etc. Anyone can tell where these places are and can't be missed when you in that land. 

Petronas Twin Towers look awesome in the evening when it's very well lit. I didn't have that option as I had to leave before these lights are switched on. But whenever you plan, try planning to visit Twin-towers in late evening. I am sure you must have seen those beautiful night photographs of Petronas Twin Towers on various other websites/blogs. 

There is an interesting history behind how these towers evolved. Instead of translating everything here, I would encourage to check this link to know when the planning of the towers started, how it proceeded etc. 

2. Some spiritual walks and hike to see beautiful Batu Caves in Kuala lumpur    If you ask me about my favorite place to visit in Kuala Lumpur, it would be Batu caves and there are multiple reasons for it. And I am sure many of you would have seen this photograph of World's tallest statue of Lord Murugan which is just at the entry gate of Batu caves. This statue is one of the biggest brands of Batu caves but there is lot more which is usually not that popular in form of photographs. Let me take you to the journey of Batu caves and what all to expect when you visit this beautiful place.

If you ask me about my favorite place to visit in Kuala Lumpur, it would be Batu caves and there are multiple reasons for it. And I am sure many of you would have seen this photograph of World's tallest statue of Lord Murugan which is just at the entry gate of Batu caves. This statue is one of the biggest brands of Batu caves but there is lot more which is usually not that popular in form of photographs. Let me take you to the journey of Batu caves and what all to expect when you visit this beautiful place. 

As you park your vehicle around the hill which has caves, you see a view like what you see in above photograph. After walking a little you hit the main gate from where you need to start the climb towards the caves. Near the entry gate you find lot of pigeons flying around and the main reason is the feed they get from visitors coming to the Batu caves. I am sure there is some religious thing related to it but not very sure.

As you park your vehicle around the hill which has caves, you see a view like what you see in above photograph. After walking a little you hit the main gate from where you need to start the climb towards the caves. Near the entry gate you find lot of pigeons flying around and the main reason is the feed they get from visitors coming to the Batu caves. I am sure there is some religious thing related to it but not very sure. 

3. Sultan Abdul Samad Building    I am strong believer of exploring places on foot or by using public transport if possible. That way you get the real flavor of the place, it's people and some of the cultural aspects. Otherwise you see the place only from touristic viewpoint and miss out the real stuff. Having said that, it also depends upon the time you have and who else is there in your group. So after considering various factors, you decide how you want to explore a place. When I was in Kuala Lumpur for a day, I had booked the cab to explore some of the main places to see in Kuala Lumpur City. But at the same time, I found opportunities to walk around the city and explore some of the things which I may have missed otherwise.

I am strong believer of exploring places on foot or by using public transport if possible. That way you get the real flavor of the place, it's people and some of the cultural aspects. Otherwise you see the place only from touristic viewpoint and miss out the real stuff. Having said that, it also depends upon the time you have and who else is there in your group. So after considering various factors, you decide how you want to explore a place. When I was in Kuala Lumpur for a day, I had booked the cab to explore some of the main places to see in Kuala Lumpur City. But at the same time, I found opportunities to walk around the city and explore some of the things which I may have missed otherwise.

4. National Mosque - A modern piece of architecture at a peaceful location in Kuala Lumpur    National Mosque is at walkable distance from Sultan Abdul Samad Building and there are other beautiful historic walks around this place.     By far the unique mosque I have seen is the one in Kuala Lumpur. The National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur city of Malaysia has modern architecture and looks very different from what I have seen in India, at least. Initially 'No Photography' sign-board outside the mosque discouraged me to go inside but still it's beauty from outside encouraged me to go inside and at least, experience the difference. Later I realized that photography is prohibited only inside the main prayer hall, so I could click all these photographs.

National Mosque is at walkable distance from Sultan Abdul Samad Building and there are other beautiful historic walks around this place. 

By far the unique mosque I have seen is the one in Kuala Lumpur. The National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur city of Malaysia has modern architecture and looks very different from what I have seen in India, at least. Initially 'No Photography' sign-board outside the mosque discouraged me to go inside but still it's beauty from outside encouraged me to go inside and at least, experience the difference. Later I realized that photography is prohibited only inside the main prayer hall, so I could click all these photographs. 

5. Aquaria KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre) :   It's one of the favorite places for folks visiting with kids and one can spend almost the whole day explore Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur. The Aquaria KLCC is located on the concourse of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. It's recommended to enter into Aquaria from convention centre side and not from Petronas towers. And this is just to save walk-time :). If you don't care much think about your own convenience and plan.    The Aquaria KLCC is supposedly world’s largest aquarium unless something new has come up because it's hard to keep your position in this highly competitive world. Aquaria has over 5000 freshwater and marine creatures, which include massive arapaimas, giant groupers etc.    Some of the most popular things people look forward to in Aquaria KLCC are - tiger sharks, bright coral fishes, lethal sea snakes, seahorses etc.   Entry Fees -   64 MYR for adults (~ $16)  53 MYR for a child. (~ $13)        Related post - Up in the air - from India to Cambodia through Kualalumpur

5. Aquaria KLCC (Kuala Lumpur City Centre) :

It's one of the favorite places for folks visiting with kids and one can spend almost the whole day explore Aquaria in Kuala Lumpur. The Aquaria KLCC is located on the concourse of the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. It's recommended to enter into Aquaria from convention centre side and not from Petronas towers. And this is just to save walk-time :). If you don't care much think about your own convenience and plan. 

The Aquaria KLCC is supposedly world’s largest aquarium unless something new has come up because it's hard to keep your position in this highly competitive world. Aquaria has over 5000 freshwater and marine creatures, which include massive arapaimas, giant groupers etc. 

Some of the most popular things people look forward to in Aquaria KLCC are - tiger sharks, bright coral fishes, lethal sea snakes, seahorses etc.

Entry Fees - 

64 MYR for adults (~ $16)
53 MYR for a child. (~ $13)

Related post - Up in the air - from India to Cambodia through Kualalumpur

6. Walk around Old Heritage :   Merdeka Square is one of the key places to walk around and get a feel about the city and it's heritage. There is a lot of walk around this place and explore different flavors of Kuala Lumpur city and the Malaysia.    This place looks very beautiful in the night as it's well lit and there are various historical places around this square. The city is pretty good to walk around unless it's extremely humid. Although we managed to walk significantly around this place.

6. Walk around Old Heritage :

Merdeka Square is one of the key places to walk around and get a feel about the city and it's heritage. There is a lot of walk around this place and explore different flavors of Kuala Lumpur city and the Malaysia. 

This place looks very beautiful in the night as it's well lit and there are various historical places around this square. The city is pretty good to walk around unless it's extremely humid. Although we managed to walk significantly around this place. 

7. KLCC Bird Park :     KLCC bird park is located in Kuala Lumpur Lake Gardens. It hardly takes 15 minutes to reach from the city centre of Kuala Lumpur to this place. Are you wondering how ? Do check out the google maps and you find the answer.  It's a good drive through the city to the greener part of Kuala Lumpur.     KLCC bird park has around 3,000 birds, out of which 200 species of local and foreign birds. KLCC bird park is huge and covers 20.9 acres of land which makes it quite interesting green landscape.     KL Bird Park is divided into 4 zones. The free-flight zone is the Zone 1 and Zone 2. The Hornbill park is at Zone 3. If you want to see the birds very closely, have a look at the caged birds. The caged birds are placed in Zone 4.     Entry fees for KLCC Bird park is -    MYR 50 per person for Adults  MYR 41 per person for Children (3-11 years)

7. KLCC Bird Park : 

KLCC bird park is located in Kuala Lumpur Lake Gardens. It hardly takes 15 minutes to reach from the city centre of Kuala Lumpur to this place. Are you wondering how ? Do check out the google maps and you find the answer.  It's a good drive through the city to the greener part of Kuala Lumpur. 

KLCC bird park has around 3,000 birds, out of which 200 species of local and foreign birds. KLCC bird park is huge and covers 20.9 acres of land which makes it quite interesting green landscape. 

KL Bird Park is divided into 4 zones. The free-flight zone is the Zone 1 and Zone 2. The Hornbill park is at Zone 3. If you want to see the birds very closely, have a look at the caged birds. The caged birds are placed in Zone 4. 

Entry fees for KLCC Bird park is -

MYR 50 per person for Adults
MYR 41 per person for Children (3-11 years)

8. Menara KL Tower :    The Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower is a high broadcasting and telecommunication tower, which is approximately 420 meters high. Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower is located in Kuala Lumpur city. Supposedly this is one of the best places to have brilliant view of the city. People prefer it over Petronas Towers. That doesn't mean, Petronas tower should be skipped but you can skip going up and instead spend that money for Menara KL Tower.     The tower also houses the highest McDonald’s outlet in the world - this is one of those things which has nothing to do with food or eating but still to prove it as a record you will list it and that's why I am also mentioning it here.    Other notable thing about Menara KL tower is that it is ranked as the fourth highest telecommunication towers in the world. Other highest telecommunication towers can be checked here.     The Menara Kuala Lumpur tower is located on the top of Bukit Nanas, also known as the Pineapple Hill.    Price:     - 55 MYR for an adult   - 45 MYR for a child.    Are you wondering why don't I have any photograph of Menara KL Tower? Because on the day I was in Kuala Lumpur, it was not very clear and I thought of saving my money instead of going up and coming down disappointed with not so great views of the city.     So decide wisely on the basis of weather and clarity on the day you are in the city.     Related post - How I got Free entry to Malaysia with USA Visa

7. Bukit Bintang : 

You can think of Bukit Bintang as one of the modern shopping malls in Kaula Lumpur and it certainly stands out for it's trendy feel. The place has some swanky restaurants, shopping options of different kinds and some of the best hotels of Kuala Lumpur. The place looks very interesting with these variety of things at one place. 

Because of it's centralized location, it is easy to reach Bukit Bintang from anywhere in Kaula Lampur using public transportation such as monorail, taxis, and buses. 

The most celebrated landmarks near Bukit Bintang is Pavilion KL. This is a high end shopping mall that houses European luxury retailers which I don't want to name here, unless they want to collaborate with us ;). 

It's situated within the Golden Triangle of Kaula Lumpur.

8. Menara KL Tower :

The Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower is a high broadcasting and telecommunication tower, which is approximately 420 meters high. Menara Kuala Lumpur Tower is located in Kuala Lumpur city. Supposedly this is one of the best places to have brilliant view of the city. People prefer it over Petronas Towers. That doesn't mean, Petronas tower should be skipped but you can skip going up and instead spend that money for Menara KL Tower. 

The tower also houses the highest McDonald’s outlet in the world - this is one of those things which has nothing to do with food or eating but still to prove it as a record you will list it and that's why I am also mentioning it here.

Other notable thing about Menara KL tower is that it is ranked as the fourth highest telecommunication towers in the world. Other highest telecommunication towers can be checked here

The Menara Kuala Lumpur tower is located on the top of Bukit Nanas, also known as the Pineapple Hill.


- 55 MYR for an adult 
- 45 MYR for a child.

Are you wondering why don't I have any photograph of Menara KL Tower? Because on the day I was in Kuala Lumpur, it was not very clear and I thought of saving my money instead of going up and coming down disappointed with not so great views of the city. 

So decide wisely on the basis of weather and clarity on the day you are in the city. 

8. Chinatown :    Chinatown has somehow become the popular place/market in different cities of the world.     This one is full of colors and busy all the time. If ever visiting Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown is certainly a place not to be missed especially if you are looking for places to shop and love bargaining . Can you beat that it's also known as ‘Bargain Hunter’s Paradise.’     The Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur is located on the Petaling Street.      10. Perdana Botanical Garden :     Perdana Botanical Gardens is a part of huge Tun Abdul Razak Heritage Park, which is one of the best green landscapes in the city of Kuala Lumpur. The air is refreshing and if you visit during the mornings, you’ll come across people jogging and ladies practicing tai chi.     Lot of families come here for afternoon picnic. There are Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens nearby to see thousands of species blooming in almost every colour and size.    Opening Hours of Perdana Botanical Gardens are 09:00 – 18:00 and the entrance is free.

8. Chinatown :

Chinatown has somehow become the popular place/market in different cities of the world. 

This one is full of colors and busy all the time. If ever visiting Kuala Lumpur, Chinatown is certainly a place not to be missed especially if you are looking for places to shop and love bargaining . Can you beat that it's also known as ‘Bargain Hunter’s Paradise.’

The Chinatown in Kuala Lumpur is located on the Petaling Street.

10. Perdana Botanical Garden :

Perdana Botanical Gardens is a part of huge Tun Abdul Razak Heritage Park, which is one of the best green landscapes in the city of Kuala Lumpur. The air is refreshing and if you visit during the mornings, you’ll come across people jogging and ladies practicing tai chi

Lot of families come here for afternoon picnic. There are Orchid and Hibiscus Gardens nearby to see thousands of species blooming in almost every colour and size.

Opening Hours of Perdana Botanical Gardens are 09:00 – 18:00 and the entrance is free. 

 If you liked this post and found it helpful, I would request you to follow these things when traveling -  Manage your waste well and don’t litter Use dustbins. Tell us if you went to a place and found it hard to locate a dustbin. Avoid bottle waters in hills. Usually you get clean water in hills and water bottles create lot of mess in our ecosystem. Say big no to plastic and avoid those unhealthy snacks packed in plastic bags. Rather buy fruits. Don't play loud blaring music in forests of jungle camps. You are a guest in that ecosystem and disturbing the locals (humans and animals) is not polite  Hope this post helps you plan your trip to Kuala Lumpur in a better way. Please do comment below with if you have suggestions or specific questions.

If you liked this post and found it helpful, I would request you to follow these things when traveling -

  1. Manage your waste well and don’t litter
  2. Use dustbins. Tell us if you went to a place and found it hard to locate a dustbin.
  3. Avoid bottle waters in hills. Usually you get clean water in hills and water bottles create lot of mess in our ecosystem.
  4. Say big no to plastic and avoid those unhealthy snacks packed in plastic bags. Rather buy fruits.
  5. Don't play loud blaring music in forests of jungle camps. You are a guest in that ecosystem and disturbing the locals (humans and animals) is not polite

Hope this post helps you plan your trip to Kuala Lumpur in a better way. Please do comment below with if you have suggestions or specific questions. 


mjothi said…
Beautiful collections of places. Thanks for sharing the detailed itinerary.

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