In the Spotlight - Nipun Nayyar, a Travel photographer sharing soul-enriching miles he explores

1. About you: Tell us about the place, where you were born; your education, and profession.  I was born in Varanasi, India and grew up in Jaipur. Did my graduation in commerce from Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi University. After sometime in the business sector I ventured into the photography professionally. I studied photography at the New York Film Academy, New York City. Post completing the course in 2015 I worked as a photography intern with Sotheby's Auction House, New York for a year.

1. About you: Tell us about the place, where you were born; your education, and profession.

I was born in Varanasi, India and grew up in Jaipur. Did my graduation in commerce from Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi University. After sometime in the business sector I ventured into the photography professionally. I studied photography at the New York Film Academy, New York City. Post completing the course in 2015 I worked as a photography intern with Sotheby's Auction House, New York for a year.

As a travel photographer my work revolves around my travels: I have been to 15 countries and explored 26 states in the US. I have conducted international photography workshops and given artist / photo talks in NewYork (US), Karachi and Lahore (Pakistan). I’ve had a group show in New York in 2015 and a solo exhibition of my travel imagery at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi in January 2017. In 2018 I have 2 more solo exhibitions coming up in Mumbai and New Delhi, India in January and February 2018 respectively.

As a travel photographer my work revolves around my travels: I have been to 15 countries and explored 26 states in the US. I have conducted international photography workshops and given artist / photo talks in NewYork (US), Karachi and Lahore (Pakistan). I’ve had a group show in New York in 2015 and a solo exhibition of my travel imagery at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi in January 2017. In 2018 I have 2 more solo exhibitions coming up in Mumbai and New Delhi, India in January and February 2018 respectively.

Currently I am based in India, but planning to move to Tasmania, Australia.  My imagery can be seen on: Website: Blog:  Instagram: @nipunnayyar

Currently I am based in India, but planning to move to Tasmania, Australia.

My imagery can be seen on:

Instagram: @nipunnayyar

2. Your photography experience: Tell us since when you've been taking pictures. When did you start taking photography seriously?  I would always play with my cameras as a kid but started taking photograph seriously over the years when I started traveling. My passion to travel really got me to New York to pursue photography well.

2. Your photography experience: Tell us since when you've been taking pictures. When did you start taking photography seriously?

I would always play with my cameras as a kid but started taking photograph seriously over the years when I started traveling. My passion to travel really got me to New York to pursue photography well.

3. What are your key areas of photography - travel/street/landscape/ wildlife/wedding/portraits/commercial? What makes you click? What have been your biggest achievements so far? What camera/lenses do you use and why?  My major areas of photography are landscapes, portraiture and street.  I am a traveler. Photography is my medium of expression of the soul-enriching miles I explore. It is a way of story-telling. It is an art of visuals that keeps me traveling deeper. Photography makes me learn. Learn about the world. Learn about myself. Every travel I do and every person I meet on my journeys, keeps me pushing for better visual content. It makes me a better person.

3. What are your key areas of photography - travel/street/landscape/ wildlife/wedding/portraits/commercial? What makes you click? What have been your biggest achievements so far? What camera/lenses do you use and why?

My major areas of photography are landscapes, portraiture and street.

I am a traveler. Photography is my medium of expression of the soul-enriching miles I explore. It is a way of story-telling. It is an art of visuals that keeps me traveling deeper. Photography makes me learn. Learn about the world. Learn about myself. Every travel I do and every person I meet on my journeys, keeps me pushing for better visual content. It makes me a better person.

Some achievements if you can say for me would definitely be my exhibitions mentioned above and also the international photo/artist talks I did in Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan.

Some achievements if you can say for me would definitely be my exhibitions mentioned above and also the international photo/artist talks I did in Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan.

My camera kit has a Canon 5D Mark iii and a Nikon F3 film camera along with a few lenses, out of which I’m almost always found shooting with my Canon 28mm F1.8. I know it’s funny that I do my portraits with this wide angle too, but that’s because I love doing portraits up close so I can interact with people. I also love visual minimalism and subtle colours in my images.

My camera kit has a Canon 5D Mark iii and a Nikon F3 film camera along with a few lenses, out of which I’m almost always found shooting with my Canon 28mm F1.8. I know it’s funny that I do my portraits with this wide angle too, but that’s because I love doing portraits up close so I can interact with people. I also love visual minimalism and subtle colours in my images.

4. What is so special about your city/country and its life/culture? Has photography changed your outlook/vision about your surroundings?  I’ve lived in numerous cities and countries now. I think I consider Varanasi and New York as my most loved cities where I’ve shot imagery. To me, they are two of the most unique cities in the world. Shooting here let me understand these cities in a deeper way and connect with it’s people in a much better way.

4. What is so special about your city/country and its life/culture? Has photography changed your outlook/vision about your surroundings?

I’ve lived in numerous cities and countries now. I think I consider Varanasi and New York as my most loved cities where I’ve shot imagery. To me, they are two of the most unique cities in the world. Shooting here let me understand these cities in a deeper way and connect with it’s people in a much better way.

5. What are your sources of inspirations? Do you have some favorite photographers? How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you approach people for their pictures?  I am particularly inspired by Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier Bresson. Don’t know if I can ever pick my favourite per say. Such legends and more inspire me and give me visual motivation. Other than that, I keep myself motivated in consistently creating images by the motto “JUST GO SHOOT”. Sometimes when I’m traveling, and I don’t feel like shooting, I remind myself to just go shoot. And I do it! I also find inspirations for my photography through paintings and other forms of art.

5. What are your sources of inspirations? Do you have some favorite photographers? How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you approach people for their pictures?

I am particularly inspired by Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier Bresson. Don’t know if I can ever pick my favourite per say. Such legends and more inspire me and give me visual motivation. Other than that, I keep myself motivated in consistently creating images by the motto “JUST GO SHOOT”. Sometimes when I’m traveling, and I don’t feel like shooting, I remind myself to just go shoot. And I do it!
I also find inspirations for my photography through paintings and other forms of art.

6. What piece of advice do you wish to give to aspiring/budding photographers, fans, and readers of the post?  My strong advice to aspiring photographers would be to primarily figure out their interest in certain area of photography. They should find some driving force that would make them create imagery always; like for me it is travel. Then, another important thing one must do is have a good photo mentor(s) who could guide them in the best possible way for them to learn the art and always improve their photography.

6. What piece of advice do you wish to give to aspiring/budding photographers, fans, and readers of the post?

My strong advice to aspiring photographers would be to primarily figure out their interest in certain area of photography. They should find some driving force that would make them create imagery always; like for me it is travel. Then, another important thing one must do is have a good photo mentor(s) who could guide them in the best possible way for them to learn the art and always improve their photography. 

6. What piece of advice do you wish to give to aspiring/budding photographers, fans, and readers of the post?  My strong advice to aspiring photographers would be to primarily figure out their interest in certain area of photography. They should find some driving force that would make them create imagery always; like for me it is travel. Then, another important thing one must do is have a good photo mentor(s) who could guide them in the best possible way for them to learn the art and always improve their photography.


rupam sarma said…
Great to saw awesome photography works of Nipun Nayyar.
Nice to read.

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