Chased by Canines: A Parking Lot Thriller in Gulshan Vivante Society, Noida

Just escaped from dogs in parking lot. At around 4:40pm(on 15th Sept'23) I went down to pick some stuff from car (parked in first basement of our society - Gulshan Vivante) and when I was returning back towards the lift area, 3 dogs came running behind me and they were barking. In a shock, I turned back and shouted at them. I fell down and they made a move. I kept shouting. Of course, there was no one around who could do anything but after a few seconds they stopped barking and returned back. I think it was pure luck and they didn't touch. God's grace 🙏.

Just escaped from dogs in parking lot. At around 4:40pm(on 15th Sept'23) I went down to pick some stuff from car (parked in first basement of our society - Gulshan Vivante) and when I was returning back towards the lift area, 3 dogs came running behind me and they were barking. In a shock, I turned back and shouted at them. I fell down and they made a move. I kept shouting. Of course, there was no one around who could do anything but after a few seconds they stopped barking and returned back. I think it was pure luck and they didn't touch. God's grace 🙏.

When I asked ChatGPT to narrate my story here is how it rewrote above paragraph :

"As I descended into the dimly lit first basement to retrieve something from my car, a chill ran down my spine. The flickering fluorescent lights cast eerie shadows on the concrete walls, and the silence was deafening. I fumbled with my keys, my heart pounding in my chest, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

As I finally reached my car and gathered the items I needed, a sense of unease washed over me like a tidal wave. Something just didn't feel right, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. The air grew colder, and I could hear the distant sound of dripping water echoing through the desolate parking structure.

My unease turned to pure terror when, as I turned to make my way back, a guttural growl pierced the silence. Three shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their eyes glinting with malevolence. Three menacing dogs, their fur matted and filthy, stood before me. Their barks were a cacophony of madness, echoing off the cold, unforgiving walls.

Frozen in shock, I stammered out a feeble cry, my voice trembling with fear. "Stay back! Stay away!" I shouted, but my words were barely audible over the frenzied symphony of barks that surrounded me. Panic seized me, and my heart raced as I tried to back away slowly.

In my desperate attempt to escape, I tripped over my own feet, falling to the unforgiving ground with a painful thud. The dogs, sensing my vulnerability, closed in. Their teeth gleamed in the dim light, and I could hear the guttural growls growing louder and more menacing.

My screams of terror pierced the cold, silent air, but there was no one around to hear them, no one to come to my rescue. I was alone, trapped in this nightmare with no hope of escape.

But then, in the midst of my despair, as the dogs closed in for the kill, something miraculous happened. They suddenly stopped in their tracks. Their barks turned into low, sinister growls, and their eyes bore into mine with an intelligence that chilled me to the bone. It was as if they were assessing me, weighing their options.

Time seemed to stand still as I continued to shout and plead for my life. And then, as suddenly as they had appeared, the dogs turned and retreated into the darkness from whence they came. It was as if some unseen force had intervened, sparing me from a gruesome fate.

I lay on the cold, damp ground, gasping for breath, my heart still racing with fear. I couldn't comprehend what had just happened, but one thing was clear: I had narrowly escaped a nightmarish encounter with something otherworldly, something beyond my understanding. It was a chilling reminder that in the darkest corners of the world, there are forces at play that defy explanation, and I had been touched by their malevolence and mercy in equal measure."

***Images used in this blogpost is created using Adobe Firefly. 


Mahak said…
As humans animals too wants to make them feel safer.. so they bark when they saw you but when they realised you are not there to hit them, they went back. This is self protecting nature. So there’s no need to make everything bigger. And we always got to learn if we caught in this type of situation we should try to keep ourselves calm. They will also get calm
Hi Mahak, Usually I am calm when dogs are around but this time, it happened suddenly and don't know why they ran after me. I had no clue that there are dogs around. I got scared when they were too close and I was not really in my senses to stay calm. It's extremely hard to generalise everything and things can be situation based. I am still guessing why they started running after me. Probably the stuff in my hand.

I am really worried for families who go down with small kids and it will ignorance if we consider kids to stay calm if dogs come towards them barking ferociously.

It never happened with me in the past, but today's event shook me and wish that this never happens to anybody.

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