How Check-in on social media before Travel helps !

During early years of social media, I found it childish of people who used to update everything on Facebook. This thought kept me away from updating statuses on Facebook. Most of my posts revolve around photography, blog, a little on technology, my friends etc. Once I was travelling with a friend who is habitual of doing check-in while roaming around. During this trip, we could connect to our old friends in that region. That triggered this thought of using check-in to connect with people.

During early years of social media, I found it childish of people who used to update everything on Facebook. This thought kept me away from updating statuses on Facebook. Most of my posts revolve around photography, blog, a little on technology, my friends etc. Once I was travelling with a friend who is habitual of doing check-in while roaming around. During this trip, we could connect to our old friends in that region. That triggered this thought of using check-in to connect with people.During early years of social media, I found it childish of people who used to update everything on Facebook. This thought kept me away from updating statuses on Facebook. Most of my posts revolve around photography, blog, a little on technology, my friends etc. Once I was travelling with a friend who is habitual of doing check-in while roaming around. During this trip, we could connect to our old friends in that region. That triggered this thought of using check-in to connect with people. 

Now whenever I go out on a trip and I have time to connect with people, I ensure that I check-in and put appropriate details about my plan, stay and timings. That way, lot of folks who are able to meet connect back and we schedule our meetings. Above photograph shows Akash Katare who  took out time to take me on drive around San Francisco. We went to Mori Point together and shared lot of things which happened in our lives in 5 years. We were meeting after 5 years in California.

Now whenever I go out on a trip and I have time to connect with people, I ensure that I check-in and put appropriate details about my plan, stay and timings. That way, lots of people who are in that area connect back and we schedule our meetings. The above photograph shows old friend Akash Katare, who I hadn't met in years and who was generous enough to take me on drive around San Francisco. We went to Mori Point together and shared lot of things which happened in our lives in 5 years. We were meeting after 5 years in California

Above photograph shows recent photograph from my US trip when Smriti was also travelling from India to US during same time and our 2 common friends were also around in Bay Area. We met during the weekend for picnic around Half Moon Bay.

The above photograph shows was shot during my recent US trip when Smriti was also travelling from India to the US during same time and our 2 common friends were also around in Bay Area. We met during the weekend for picnic around Half Moon Bay

This cheerful group always included me in their photo-walks when I am in California and I always loved the experience.

This cheerful group always included me in their photo-walks when I am in California and I have always loved the experience.   

As a blogger, there is another advantage of check-in while travelling. PR folks know what you are upto and can plan things in collaboration. In last 2 years, this has happened in 4 times and these collaborations were very productive. Don't take me wrong, we are not promoting gas cylinder in above photograph :)

As a blogger, there is another advantage of check-in while travelling. PR folks know what you are upto and can plan things in collaboration. In last 2 years, this has happened 4 times and these collaborations were very productive. Don't take me wrong, in above photograph we are not promoting carrying a gas cylinder to during. :)

Since there is a purpose of doing check-in, I don't shy away from doing it. At times you would surprised to know that some of the friends are around and you didn't even know. At times, they might be travelling to that place during same time. Technology has solved many such problem in a beautiful way.   Can you think of any other advantage of doing check-in while travelling or visiting a place? Feel free to share throgh comments below.

Since there is a purpose of doing check-in, I don't shy away from doing it. At times you would be surprised to find out that some friends are around in an unfamiliar city and you didn't even know. At times, they might be travelling to that place during the same time. Technology has solved many such problems in a beautiful way. 

Can you think of any other advantage of checking-in while travelling or visiting a place? Feel free to share your thoughts by leaving your comments below.  


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