PHOTO WALK at SAN FRANCISCO with Great Team || Photography, Fun, Long Drive, Lovely Landscapes, Beaches, Ocean, Delicious Food...
Yesterday was a great day with a great set of folks who took me to San Francisco for a wonderful Photo-walk around some of the great places in San Francisco. This Photo Journey shares some of the moments from this Photo Walk and we shall be sharing more photographs that we clicked during the day. Let's enjoy the first Photo Journey from San Francisco.
We started from San Jose in two vans and all this was arranged by Mike Abbott. Mike drove one of the vans and Charlie drive another to San Francisco. Charlie was a great navigator and he had great information about places around the city and very well plan the whole day. I would say, it was one of the most productive day for me during this trip.
After driving few miles, we picked two folks on the way and moved towards San Francisco. Our first stop was Ocean Beach, which was a wonderful place to stop and click some photographs. This was my first experience to shoot on beaches and loved it. Shooting at beaches has it's own challenges and which gives an opportunity to learn more about handling extreme lighting conditions.
After wonderful ride and a nice break at Ocean Beach we moved San Fancisco. Next stop was a beautiful golf course, from which Golden Bridge looks awesome. We spent around 15-20 minutes around this place and started driving towards Golden Bridge. We crossed the bridge and reached a high hill from where view to the city and Golden Bridge was awesome. In above photograph, Ella is clicking photographs of Golden Bridge from top of the hill.
Ella was quite focused in finding some interesting subjects to shoot. Above photograph don't show the real picture of the scene. She was clicking photograph of other two team members sitting on an elevated platform.

After some great moments at this hill, we moved to restaurant of De Young museum and had a wonderful lunch with team. After lunch, we had a quite walk around this place and geared to move towards the place which gives spectacular view of Golden Bridge, Bay Bridge and Surfing communities around the ocean.
This was our last spot and then time was to start the back journey. Photo-Walk was planned from 9am to 5pm and it was very well scheduled by looking at the weather, lighting and all other relevant factors.
On the back journey, we enjoyed wonderful landscapes on the way.
A Great Day with Great Team !!!
What all we clicked during the Photo-Walk will be shared soon on PHOTO JOURNEY.
What all we clicked during the Photo-Walk will be shared soon on PHOTO JOURNEY.
More pics to come. Today I shared few of surfing pics.
We had a great day !